Explore Ratanakiri

List Your Business

Grow your business with a listing on Explore Ratanakiri!

Explore Ratanakiri is the only website with the main focus traveling in Ratanakiri provice and its attractions, hotels, restaurants, travel agencies and other businesses.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the main audience?
Our main audience are visitors to this beautiful province from foreign countries and other provinces within Cambodia.

How do people find the website Explore Ratanakiri?
The main traffic source at the moment is social media with increasing traffic from search engines such like Google. Plus there is a steady stream of direct visitors who have seen Explore Ratanakiri Posters that we give to our partner businesses.

Is the listing for free?
No, we are charging a monthly fee. The fee depends on the type of listing. We have invested a lot of time into this project and have hosting, marketing and advertising cost, which we cover with the fees. The fee starts at only $10 per month. Please contact us for more information.

What are the advantages of lising my business on Explore Ratanakiri?
As a business owner you will know that one of the most important factors is visibility. The more people hear about your business, the more potential customers you get. With the listing you get a unique opportunity to promote your business to travellers who are already here and even before they arrive in Ratanakiri as we promote the website countrywide. 

Business Categories

We currenty have the following business categories:

  • Restaurants
  • Cafes
  • Hotels
  • Travel Agencies

Coming soon:

  • Invest in Ratanakiri

We may create additional business categories depending on the demand.

How do I list my business on Explore Ratanakiri?

Please fill out the form below and provide some basic information about your business. We will get back to you shortly.

The listing process is very simple: We visit you, take pictures of your business, sit down together with your to collect all needed information and then we add it to the website. In short, we take care of all the technical stuff and you don’t have to worry about anything.

Contact us

Your business details

Your contact details
